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The DAQP-12 is a PCMCIA Type II data acquisition adapter with eight differential or 16 single-ended analog input channels. The bipolar input range of the DAQP-12 extends from ±0.625 (gain of 8) to ±5V (gain =1). The programmable gains are in the steps of 1, 2, 4 and 8. The DAQP-12 supports sampling rates up to 100 KHz at 12-bit resolution.
Equipped with a data FIFO of 512 samples, the DAQP-12 can achieve full speed data acquisition under various operating platforms, including Microsoft DOS and Windows. It also has a scan FIFO of 512 points that supports full speed, random order channel scanning and gain selection for all the input channels.
The DAQP-12 has a pacer clock of 24-bit and a programmable divided by eight or by 64 prescaler. The 24-bit pacer clock can also be used with an external clock source. With the 5 MHz internal clock source, the pacer clock can generate accurate sampling rates from 0.01 Hz to 100 kHz. The DAQP-12 also has four digital input and four digital output channels.
The DAQP-12 is supplied with DaqEZ software. DaqEZ is a Windows application which provides real-time data display and datalogging to disk. Also supplied are software drivers.
The software drivers provide support for various programming languages such as Microsoft C/C++, Borland C/C++, QuickBasic, and Turbo Pascal. A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) is provided for all kinds of programming languages under Microsoft Windows. An optional Visual Basic Controls (VBX) is also available.
A client software driver is provided to configure the DAQP-12. The DAQP-12 client software driver is compatible with PCMCIA Card Services Specification 2.1.
A separate enabler program is provided for the configuration of the DAQP-12 for those who wish to run the card without card and socket services installed. The DAQP-12 is also compatible with LABTECH NOTEBOOK and Snap-Master.
To Order (Specify Model Number) | ||
Model No. | Price | Description |
DAQP-12A | $595 | 12 Bit analog input PCMCIA card |
CP-DAQP | 40 | Cable, 24 inches |
VISUALDAQ | 195 | Visual Basic Controls |
UIO-37 | 110 | Terminal strip. Requires CP-DAQP cable |
Comes with complete operatorÆs manual, DaqEZ and driver software. |
COPY [To Your Hard Drive] Daqsuite Software Now! (includes DOS, Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 drivers, as well as DAQEZ application. Also Requires DAQP configuration software)
COPY [To Your Hard Drive] DAQP PCMCIA Configuration Software Now!
VIEW an Adobe Acrobat pdf file for more product info (requires Acrobat Reader).
VIEW the DAQP-12 operator's manual now! (requires Acrobat Reader).
VIEW the Daqdrive Software manual now! (requires Acrobat Reader).
VIEW the Daqdrive Supplemental manual now! (requires Acrobat Reader).